A dig up the pipe and fix it project turned into a real job! Someone poured concrete onto the hole in the irrigation line instead of fixing the leak. What fun!
The birthday boy. His teacher aways makes a big fuss about birthdays. It's great fun!
Thanks to Amber for the idea for the easiest birthday cake ever. It made great cupcakes for class too!
My sweet Six year old!
I can't find any really good pictures of the ceiling before we started so this will have to do. Yucky, grease covered flouresent lighting. Here's the lights we tore out.
Demo begins.
And keeps going. I thought I could handle anything. And I did for the first few weeks, then it got old. I'm still cleaning up drywall dust. It got into every cupboard!
But it was so worth it! We put in this awesome crowne molding and strung lights up behind it. It so soft and nice. Plus Greg and Dad put in canned lighting in the rest of the room, so now I can actually see while cooking! Greg made the opening much larger than it had originally been.
Ain't she pretty!! I'm a spoiled woman. Now I just have to remember that until we have time to fix everything else!!
And just when you think you're finished..... Greg decided to patch the hole from the old gas line into the kitchen and we found more than a hole. Water had been leaking in through the exhaust vent and running down the wall. Oh, Joy! Don't ever say what next.
Before the kitchen project, we finished painting in the living room. We had painted backwards, bottom first because that was what I could reach by myself. I made Greg take a picture to prove I actually helped. Frightening. If I just looked out those windows at the deck on the other side I was fine. But kids climbing on the bottom of that ladder was just terrifying!!!
The finished project. At least one room is done. It's my favorite right now.
Warren's school had a road rally today. It was so cute. It was my volunteer day so I got to help set it all up too... way fun! James enjoyed the ride too and went all around with Warren. I was overwhelmed by some of the parents creativity. There was a plane with a prop that turned and some of the cars had functioning lights. Our instructions said to keep it small, so we did. But some of the kids cars were huge!
We are finishing up the projects in the living room! YEAH! We installed new baseboards this week and Greg has been painting the upper story of the room. Really glad he volunteered for that job! Seems he has been doing all of the high elevation jobs lately. Right before Christmas our roof cap ripped off again and he had to go take it off. He almost fell off the roof in the process! Enough with heights!!!!!
Here is the corner Greg just finished. We brought up the tv and we haven't left the living room since. It's the warmest room in the house and now there is something to do.Now if we ever get the furniture we ordered the room will look finished. One down... lets not talk about how many to go!
Doesn't everyone disc their field with 2 boys on their lap? I can hardly handle the tractor with just me on it. It takes both hands and feet to stop the thing. Good thing Greg's driving and not me!